Compliance & Reporting Calendar
Throughout the year, there are a number of important dates and deadlines for various actions that must be taken on behalf of all Defined Contribution plans. The following calendar highlights the dates all plan sponsors should be aware of.
Please note that all dates are applicable for plans which follow a calendar plan year. Please contact us directly for the applicable dates for non-calendar year plans.
January |
January 31
February |
February 28
March |
March 15
March 31
April |
April 1
April 15
May |
N/A |
June |
N/A |
July |
July 31
August |
N/A |
September |
September 15
September 30
October |
October 15
November |
N/A |
December |
December 2
December 17
December 31
*For administrative ease, a combined notice may be provided. |
¹ The deadlines in this calendar are for plans with calendar-year plan years. This chart is intended to provide plan sponsors with a list of notable deadlines and is not a substitute for consultation with ERISA counsel and in no way represents legal advice.
Note: Generally, when the due date for an IRS or Department of Labor (DOL) form falls on Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday, the deadline is extended to the next business day.
JanuaryJanuary 31
FebruaryFebruary 28
MarchMarch 15
March 31
AprilApril 1
April 15
MayN/A |
JuneN/A |
JulyJuly 31
AugustN/A |
SeptemberSeptember 15
September 30
OctoberOctober 15
NovemberN/A |
DecemberDecember 2
December 17
December 31
*For administrative ease, a combined notice may be provided. |
¹ The deadlines in this calendar are for plans with calendar-year plan years. This chart is intended to provide plan sponsors with a list of notable deadlines and is not a substitute for consultation with ERISA counsel and in no way represents legal advice.
Note: Generally, when the due date for an IRS or Department of Labor (DOL) form falls on Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday, the deadline is extended to the next business day.
Reminder: Required Fee Disclosures
Plan Sponsor/Service Provider
- Initial disclosure: Required within a reasonable period before the contract is entered into or renewed.
- Annual disclosure: Required following changes in investment information.
- Additional disclosures: Required no later than 60 days after the effective date of the change for changes in compensation or services provided.
- Initial disclosure: Required on or before the date when participants can first direct investments.
- Annual disclosure: Required to be updated and distributed at least annually.
- Additional disclosures: Required at least 30 days, but no more than 90 days, prior to certain plan changes.

If you have questions, let us know. We have answers.
Red Bank Pension Services: independent, flexible, experienced
We’re leaders in retirement plan administration.
How can we help you get where you want to go?

Phone: (732) 747-1540
Email: [email protected]